Friday, July 29, 2011

07.29.11 :: Being fit is more than a number...

In a recent post, I mentioned how I'm motivated by progress and promise. If it feels like I'm "getting somewhere," it's easier for me to put my weight behind the effort (pun intended). But I'm learning that not all progress is necessarily measurable.

The scale is telling me that weight is coming off, but at a snail's pace. And there's a (pretty big) part of me that wishes it were happening faster. But I'm already doing that thing where I'll catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and think, "Hey... that's new." Or I'll look down at my arms and wonder who's they are. Or Kate will tell me she can "see it in my face." Or my blood sugar will drop below 100 for the first time ever. Or I'll have to make yet another hole in my belt.

Not to mention my confidence and self-esteem. I already feel like I can do things that I couldn't just a few weeks ago (starting with the Packers 5K tomorrow). I feel energized and capable.

I'm learning to feed off of those feelings for my motivation rather than numbers I used to rely on. It's kind of addicting really. The charge I get out of "look what I did" is beginning to equal that I got from "look what I lost." And I like it. I like it a lot!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Scott : ) It's more than a number!!! I'm so glad you are seeing that!
