Tuesday, July 12, 2011

07.12.11 :: It's Time..

I find myself in the middle of the perfect storm. I'm 44 years old and weigh more than 300lbs. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar (Type II Diabetic). I have low stamina, low energy and low self-esteem. I adore my children but am worried that I won't see them grow up or grow old. I love my wife, Kate, but am worried that I'll get sick (or die) and leave her to care for Raelee and Abrahm.

A perfect storm... A critical cross-roads.

To be funny (and to find an angle to promote the event), I volunteered to take part in KickStart; a fitness/mindset session hosted at my church. Kate came along, too. I discovered, under the tutelage and encouragement of Zac and Fawn Woodfin that I wasn't too far gone. That despite being a big, fat, giant guy, I was still somewhat flexible and could still move fluidly. Where others in similar shape were walking through drills, I was able to push myself harder. Maybe it was to impress my wife. Maybe it was to impress the Woodfins. Either way, I found motivation there.

Then I went on vacation where three things stuck out for me. I tried longboarding on some hills, and while I was mortified at the thought of breaking the deck in two, I realized I was completely comfortable on that board and missed the days when I could skate without giving it a thought. Then we went for a boat ride. My oldest son, Jared, was driving. He hit some pretty big waves and the seat on which I was holding Abe on my lap snapped in two. I was crushed with embarrassment. Finally, I stepped into a game of beach volleyball (a game I used to love).  I could still see the shots I needed to make and knew how to make them. I just couldn't get my body in position - at least most of the time.

I came home and set up an appointment to meet with personal trainer (and friend), Kat VonFossen. Kat laid out a workout for me that was far more interesting (and challenging) then I ever could have imagined. It was inspiring and the way my body felt - through the burn and the stiffness - was exhilarating. I got hooked on the idea of making something happen.

It was at that meeting where Kat told me that Zac and Fawn where interested in working with me on a journey. But they're coming from SoCal where there's the reputation for people to say things and offer things but not really mean it... y'know, to sound nice. So I didn't reach out to them. Cuz there's nothing worse than offering to help someone just to sound nice and then have that person call you to claim the favor (I would guess).

So, at Kat's behest, I started documenting my meals and exercise on MyFitnessPal.com - And I took Kat's regime to The Y every other day. I've already started to shed pounds.

Then two amazing things happened. 1) My dad learned of my new initiative and offered me $1000 if I dropped down to 260 pounds, and B) Fawn Woodfin confirmed that they were, indeed, sincere about their offer to help me on my journey. Awesome!!

So here I am. At the beginning.


  1. Scott, I am excited for you. Time to get healthy. May I say my step dad (48) went from 395 to 245 in a year, no diets, just ate smaller portions and dropped all junk food and started running...well walk/jog to start and now the man does marathons. He is so much healthier no longer taking cholesterol and BP meds and has changed his lifestyle. You are motivated and you can do this. Family is the best reason. I am very proud of you and can't wait to watch your progress!

  2. Scott, wishing you all the best on this journey ~ Hope you are taking pictures too and document it at some point down the road. Sending positive thoughts and encouragement your way!!

  3. Go Scott!!! Sending caffeinated & energizing thought your way :)

  4. Congrats, Scott! I think maybe you are going to be an inspiration to a few people. Myself included!

  5. Zac and fawn are great people! I have seen them help a lot of people change their lives. I just prayed for ya bud! Go get it...!

  6. Congratulations Scott! I know you can stick with this! I made my own commitment to a healthy and active lifestyle because my parents were fit and active throughout my childhood. I can tell your from personal experience that the example you will be setting for your kids will be one of the most valuable lessons you can ever teach them :) Super job, I wish you all the best!

  7. Hello Scott my name is candelario I have worked with Zac and Fawn and they are 2 great people and extremely sincere in wanting to help as you already know I have worked with them for .5 months and because of there teachings I know live a a good active life style so congrats on the decision you have made it will not be easy but trust me it will be worth it have a great day

  8. My dear brother Scott:
    I am so proud of you for embarking on this journey. You know that I love you no matter what your size or shape. If this is something you want to achieve, then I say go for it. Do it with passion and enthusiasm. Expect only good things to happen. I will remain one of your number one fans. Love always-Debbi
